Monday, July 18, 2005

July 16th - $100+$9 NL Hold'Em - Ultimatebet

I seem to be getting the hang of these! With 104 runners I finished 14th and picked up $114 for a profit of $6 (wow).

Again the 'bet pot' button came in useful and I cruised nicely along in the top 20 for the majority of the game. My undoing, as so often happens, came about when holding AQ. Agin I clicked on the 'bet pot' button and immediately rised to approx 700. The button went all-in to just about cover me and without a moments hesitation I called. With some money locked up it was time to try and win the thing!

He flips JJ and we're off to the races. Plop 8-9-T! Plop 4! Plop Q! Horray, I thought I beat the bugger so when the chips went the other way I was lost and confused until I saw that my Queen had made him the straight.


104 Entries - 14th - Win $6 - Loss $0 () - Acc Total $752.89


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