Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Jan 2nd/3rd - Events in Dublin

Jan 2nd

Tue & Wed nights were spent at the Red Cow on the Naas Rd, here in Dublin and also at Mr Desmonds new plush palace of a casino in deepest Grafton Street. More on that place in a moment.

First though I went to play in the weekly Red Cow event which is giving away a shed load of tickets to this weekends main event at Citywest. Ninety-Nine runners provided enough revenue so that 5 tickets to the main event were to be given away but two significant hands killed any attempt I had to get to the prize pool.

I'm on a stack of around 9k (started with 4k) and in the BB when I get dealt 8d-5d. With blinds at 200/400 it was raised to 800 by a player two seats to the left of me. One other player called, as did I, and we saw what looked like a magic flop for me of 7c-6c-4d giving me the straight. I checked and the original raiser bet out 1500. The player next to act had 2600 left and, after some umming and arring, went all-in. I decided to then re-raise but was prevented from doing so because the 2600 guy had not 'doubled' the initial bet. Oh well! I called the 2600.

Now because I'd wanted to re-raise I knew that nomatter what card came next I had to go all-in...after all I most likely still had the best hand yeh??

The 4c fell on the turn and I lumped in. The guy to my immediate left couldn't call fast enough for 5900 and he flipped Ac-3c killing me stone dead!

I topped up at the break (5k for €60) and so had 6900 going into the 'after break' phase. First hand in I get QQ in EP. I raise to 1900 and get an immediate caller to my left (fair enough). I then get the BB going all-in so I'm obliged to call. The person who called me first passes and the BB flips K-K (URGH!!)

Of course I get nothing on the flop and its goodnight Vienna!

Entries -> 99 - Place -> 77th - Loss -> €125 ($150) Profit/Loss for 2006 -> -$108

Jan 3rd

With working in Lisburn these past 8 months or so I hadn't had a chance to see what all the fuss was about with Mr Dublin himself (Dermot Desmond) opening the plushest casino in Dublin town back in late Oct. Tonight I went there for the €150+€10 NL freezeout event.

Wall to wall plasma tv's...soft comfy couches...a full bar! Now we're talking! The card room occupies the 2nd floor and comprises of 10 tables. A nice size and with everything still smelling very new and plush I was feeling good about my chances!

With a 4k starting stack and a 30 minute clck there should be plenty of time to play a good game. Trouble was that I took a view and was wrong and out at the same time!

After 45 mins of play I had around 4600 in chips and was toodling along nicely when I get 4-4 in EP. I flat call the blinds (100) and am happy to call a smallish raise (to 500) from across the table taking the view that he has A-K and I'm done with the hand if either card shows itself on the flop.

A flop of Q-3-5 makes me think I'm still ahead but check all the same. My raising opponent bets out 1200, as he would with any two cards in this spot, and I'm again happy to call.

The turn card is another Queen and its now I have to decide whether to play or pass. Given that I've put him on A-K to start with I can't really go against that. Given that he would have to almost certainly pass any pair smaller than Q-Q or any hand which did not include a Queen (highly unlikely) then I figure that as I've already called his 1200 bet on the flop he MUST put me on something substancial anyway.

I go all-in!

He umms and arrs and I'm hoping he'll fold but he doesn't and calls with K-K. No 4 to save me on the river and I'm out. Of course its a pisser when decisions like that go against you but you have to be prepared to go with your instinct or you'll always be a loser at this game!

Entries -> 29 - Place -> 24th - Loss -> €160 ($192) Profit/Loss for 2006 -> -$300


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