July 22nd - $100+$9 NL Hold'Em - Ladbrokes
Whilst playing around in the 'Cruise satellite' I noticed a $45000 guarantee tournament about to start at Ladbrokes. Apparently these are quite busy events and by the time 8pm had spun around over 220 participants had ponied up the $100 in order to play.
Again I only realised that guarantee could only be met by rebuys and add-ons but as I wasn't going down that route in a $100 event I just sat and played tight and hoped I'd progress ok.
I got off to a good start when my A-K overcame A-Q and my K-K beat up Q-Q and A-K and by the time the break had come round I had just over 7k in chips.
After the break I again caught good cards and was able to hold a top 10 position in status going into the last 50 players.
I then get 8-8, in mid position, and raise to 2xBB. I don't really like raising much more with mid-pairs as if someone goes over the top of me I inevitably have to lay it down as I prefer to be the player with overcards in a race situation.
Anyway I get ONE caller from LP and we see a flop of 8-4-4. Oh whoopee, I think and gladly check the flop to my opponent who then lauches, as hoped, and puts in 12k. I then go all-in and for some remarkable reason he FOLDS for only 8k more!!
Hmmm. I feel as though I missed out there!
Anyway the players kept dropping and I made it to 14th place before becoming victim to the old 'software selection process' and getting kicked out with A-J v A-Q.
Never mind...$344 was the prize and a $235 profit. Nowhere near the first prize though of $14k. One of these days!!
220 Entries - 14th - Win $235 - Loss -$0 - Acc. Total +$372.89
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